Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kaze's Movie Notes: Archive 15

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007) *****
We see most of this movie out of the one working eye of a paralyzed man. A tough watch but a richly rewarding one. Worth it as well for Max von Sydow’s stirring presence as his aged father.

Bend of the River (1952) ***
James Stewart hauls winter supplies to peaceful settlers, overcomes tough terrain and treacheries galore, singlehandedly taking on all the bad guys and winning the girl.  A fine western of the big-outdoors variety.

The Golden Compass (2007) **
Fantasy adventure featuring a spunky little kid, computer-generated talking animals, witches, armored warrior polar bears, a little of this, a little of that. Being 12 would add to the experience.

Under Siege II: Dark Territory (1995) ***
Steven Seagal may never play “A Man for All Seasons,” but he can single-handedly kill about 50 highly-trained commandos who’ve hijacked a train and plan to blow up the world. Good enough.

There Will Be Blood (2007) **
Bravura acting by Daniel Day-Lewis, but his irredeemably cruel character, the oilman Daniel Plainview, is no one to spend 25 years with, which is what this feels like. Missable despite him.